Thursday, January 8, 2009

PS3s at New Yankee Stadium?

Yankees strike deal with Sony

So, according the article linked above, the Yankees have struck a sponsorship deal with Sony which includes, in addition to all the usual signage and so forth, flat panel TVs set up around the stadium, including on the concourse, to broadcast the game for when you step away to take a leak or buy more nachos or whatever. Okay, so far, so good. I've always been in favor of sponsorship deals, because as far as I'm concerned, if a sponsor is paying money to someone producing a good I'm enjoying, that's less money I have to pay them. Furthermore, having TVs set up around a baseball park is actually pretty nice; when I went to see the Brewers in the playoffs at Citizens Bank Park in Philly they had TVs set up broadcasting the game, and it was cool.

What caught my eye, however, is this passage: "In addition, Sony PlayStation 3 entertainment systems and VAIO notebook computers will be available to fans in select locations throughout the Stadium."

Seriously? I mean, I know most people think baseball is boring, but seriously? People are going to spend hundreds of dollars to go to a baseball they can go play GTA 4 between innings? (In fact, it's even worse than that, 'cause it's not like they'd ever put GTA 4 on one of those things, so you'll have to play, I dunno, Sonic or something like that). I dunno, I'm not at all an opponent of new sponsorships, and I'm not even much of an opponent of fancy new features at ballparks, but this one just seems a little ridiculous to me.

BTW, when I was typing out "New Yankee Stadium", I realized I felt like there should be a nickname for the new park. I mean, "New Yankee Stadium" is a nickname to begin with, because it's officially just "Yankee Stadium", just like the old one, but we all know it's not the old one. I'm not a huge fan of David Chalk, Devil Rays blogger at Bugs and Cranks, but I do think his nickname for old Yankee Stadium was pretty apt: "That Old Dump in the Bronx". With this in mind, I think it'd be appropriate to nickname the new stadium "That New Dump in the Bronx". If that's too long, another one that occurs to me is "Yankee Stadium III", in recognition of the fact that the old stadium was really "Yankee Stadium II" ever since the mid-70s remodel.

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