Saturday, February 7, 2009

A-Rod reportedly tested positive for steroid use in 2003

This won't end well.

This is going to be one hell of a story in a memetic sense, because the moment the average fan hears this, they're just going to feel vindicated for hating Alex Rodriguez. As I've pointed out here before, these steroid allegations just become a test of how well a player controls his public relations, and Rodriguez has notably failed at that, becoming one of the most hated players in the game even though he's one of the best.

Really, a better question might be why this took so long. I believe it was around the time the Mitchell Report came out, I remember reading an article that including some commentary from Alex Rodriguez on steroid use, and included the caveat, "Of course I've never used it," etc., and I thought at the time, "Is that really all it takes to ward off suspicion?" Granted, I don't follow the steroid news all that closely, but as far as I can remember, this is the first time I've heard it suggested that A-Rod is a user.

Anyway, the take home point is that this report/allegation/what-have-you is going to stick. The moment people hear about this test, they're going to make up their minds that A-Rod used and that's that and nothing can convince them otherwise. It's not like if, say, Derek Jeter had a positive test turn up, in which case people would suggest it must be a faulty test and demand more evidence.

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