Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rare triple-post day!

Ryan Braun on steroids: "I would never do it because if I took steroids, I would hit 60 or 70 home runs."

It's kind of a dumb thing to say, but I love that he's being a cocky bastard here, rather than an evasive douchebag, like most players tend to be when the topic of steroids comes up. Really, when it comes to steroids, I pretty much come down on the side of, "Yeah, it's a bad thing, and we should do something about it, but is it really this big of a deal?" With that in mind, I appreciate that rather than tow the party line and act all serious, Braun is having some fun with it.

Of course, if he does hit 60 or 70 home runs in a season someday (it could happen), then this quote might come back to haunt him...

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